
Student Complaints

If students or interns have a complaint related to a specific program they should follow the problem solving process described below. Additionally, the University of Arizona offers the following services to aid in conflict resolution:

  • Student Assistance offered by Dean of Students also offers conflict coaching, during which you and a staff member would discuss the conflict, ways you can approach it, and options you have.  Please call 621-7057 to schedule an appointment.
  • The Ombuds Program is an informal, neutral, confidential and independent resource for any academic or workplace concern.

What happens when a complaint is made in the Department of Nutritional Sciences?

Many faculty and staff in the Department of Nutritional Sciences are available to guide and assist you in the completion of the DPD program. If problems arise, the following is recommended to achieve resolution:

Level 1: Discuss the issue directly and privately to the individual(s) involved (student, faculty, etc.) If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, discuss your concerns with your Academic Advisor or program coordinator.  They will ask you to submit complaints (regarding faculty, coursework, ethics, etc.) in an email documenting key details including:

  • Name
  • Topic area for complaint (Faculty/Staff, course, DPD Guidelines/Policies. Other)
  • Description of Complaint
  • Desired Outcome (Address issue with faculty/staff member, discuss as potential DPD program change for future, suggest making policy change as soon as possible, other)

Level 2: If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, the next appropriate step would be to discuss your concerns with the Nutritional Sciences Department Head, Dr. Scott Going.

Level 3: If resolution is not reached at this level, the NSC department head will advise you of further appropriate action.